
  • Retrospective – Doin’ the Van Gogh

    So I discovered Vincent van Gogh. I read about his life several times, stared at his art, considered his philosophy, and realised that the great painters were just like any of us, products of their time, with perhaps a little more mind altering substances at hand.

  • I’ve discovered Instagram

    Taking a break from my Retrospective posts tonight because I’ve been wrapped up in an argument between Instagram, my new Android phone and my iPad. But before I rave about what is going wrong, I have to say something about what is going right.

  • Retrospective – Visiting with Vincent

    I’m not a follower, but neither am I a leader. I’m that black sheep in a sea of white who cuts across all the orderly lines and spins them into swirls. I’m the one who when told to do something, immediately wants to do the opposite.

  • Retrospective – Fauve bottles and a husband in a hat

    And this was my second attempt. I think something clicked, though I’m still not one hundred percent sure. The closest I could get to the requested concept was to pixelate the image and place each of the colours side by side, mixing, if necessary, on the palette, not the painting. It was the only logic…

  • Retrospective – The Fauves

    Around the beginning of the 20th century, after Impressionism, Monet, Renoir, Post-Impressionism, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec, French art was faced with an exhibition that took the concepts dreamt up by those two previous movements and artists and took them one step further. This was the time of Matisse.

  • Retrospective – Desert skull

    I have been attending a small, private art school since the beginning of the year. Focussing solely on painting, I think after three terms that I can now declare myself a real painter 😀 I have learn a huge pile of stuff, mostly about myself and what my style seems to favour, what I like…

  • A little photography

    I’ve always been fascinated by the small, lots of overlooked snatches of beauty very few see.

  • A Piece a Week 21 – Still Life with Emotion

    I learned a stack of things from this painting. I’ve certainly learnt that I know more than I thought I did and it has been exciting getting positive results from subjects I hadn’t even considered attempting.

  • A Piece a Week 17 – Nightlight

    I was putting my youngest daughter to bed a couple of nights ago and as she snuggled up to her doll, I was struck by her pose. I grabbed my camera and as she fell asleep (she was very tired, we were up late) I snapped some very blurry photos of her